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Continuous, Behavior Biometric Authentication

Continuous Multi-Factor Authentication

Continuous MFA through passive biometrics is the only solution capable of checking users' identities hundreds of times each day without requiring any participation from the users– making it secure, efficient, and compliant. .

Defense-Grade Behavioral Biometrics

Continuous Multi-Factor Authentication

What if you could MFA challenge your users once per minute without them being interrupted or even noticing?


Stop both on-site and RDP attacks

Detect a breach within one minute

Twosense monitors keyboard rhythm and mouse movement to guarantee user identity.

Send an alert

Email, Microsoft Teams, and SIEM alerts can be sent when a user fails a biometric check.

Require fallback MFA

Twosense can integrate with most MFA vendors so a user's time is saved.

Lock the session

Manager Approval workflows allow supervisors to let users in if their identity is confirmed.


Machine Learning

The Twosense agent collects keystroke timing and mouse movements to build a model of each user's behavior.  Their most recent behavior is checked against the model to check their identity.


Easily Deploy Continuous Multi-Factor Authentication

Twosense Continuous MFA can be installed in 15 minutes. 

Just install the Windows agent and optional Browser Extension to deploy always-on phishing-resistant MFA on every endpoint. 
